Wednesday, January 19, 2011

it's all bout the money...and it sucks!

marriage is a very complicated thing. i can only say that love is the only thing that keep our sanity in marriage, since when you were married to anyone, anything that happened, happened because of the money issues. And sometime it only happened around 20's (haha..since we have to pay the bills on 20's :-p )
bills..bills..bills....there will be lots of them when we're married :-)

maybe for some people, the bills are not the problem (the people that born filthy rich or the people that marrying someone that have a filthy rich family..haha :-) )

as long as we have to live so we have to do our best to earn money..

me and hubz married for approximately 2,5 years, and we already live by ourselves (and we looove that :-)). That's why we have to pay our bills right away..(off course we have to...!! :-))
so we have to really paid attention with our income and expenses, we've should balance those two things :-)

we just have our money conversation now...and it's really killing my nerves out...i really hate numbers and counting them, that's why i don't do the counting's his job..thanks god my hubz got his gift over counting numbers...but to be truth is, i hate this routine discussion over money :-(
i want to skip it...hope i can sleep right now and waking up in the morning so i don't have to do the money discussion thing...hiks..

he's working as an architec that build a tensile tent for our living since he doesn't want me to work at the office. i'm used to be a legal consultant but right now i owned my own business, and i'm happy for it (due to the long working hours, traffic jam that really wasting time, our meaningless fight because those two things mentioned before :-D and stressful work condition (this is the last, since i love the challenge working my intellectual property case)...haha, of course it will be like that, it's a law firm, what do you expect? :-)

with our job, we've managed to maintain our daily expenses and life, but sometime...hmm...corrected...everytime.... money can be a problem everyone else that have to pay their bills :-) if there's a problem then we will talk about it for hours, and for's looks like i cannot buy anymore shoes----- or bags----- or clothes :-(
hmmm...maybe clothes still can...:-) (*naughty grinning) as long as it doesn't cost much...i looove shoes, bags and dress...but above it all, i will say that i loove dress so will be a long dry month fr my shopping habit :-(

but i think it's okay for me to do that since we'll go to singapore this march, so yesss..we have to save our money well...

or we don't have any money left for orchard's shopping trip...haha...

okay desiiii, you really have to watch your purse up!! or you'll be definately starving in singapore :-D

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