Thursday, July 19, 2012

BSD City, The Icon Simplicity for rent :) Muraaah :)

Disewakan Rumah di The Icon Simplicity - BSD CITY, Tangerang. 
Luas Tanah: 105, Luas Bangunan: 45, Full Furnished, terletak di perumahan The Icon, Cluster Simplicity. 
Kamar Tidur: 2, Kamar Mandi: 1. 
Keamanan SOS 24 Jam. 
Lingkungan Bersih dan Bagus. 
Terletak di daerah CBD BSD City (Green Park Office). 
Deket Prasetya Mulya. 
Deket Swiss German University. 
Deket Froggy.
Di seberang Foresta.
Akses tol ke Pondok Indah. 
Akses ke Paramount dan Sumarecon. 
Deket Giant Hypermarket. Teras Kota. Wisma BCA. Sinar Mas World Academy. 
Community Feeder jd gampang kmana mana. etc..etc...Untuk Harga PM saya yah :) 
Kindly contact me at 085711609359 :) Thank you :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011


haha..dulu pas masi kuliah kalo ditanya soal masaaak, g bs kesel..secara g ngga bs masak..bisanya cuma makan doaang :-) dan g ngga ngeliat pentingnya masak, toh masi banyak alternatif lain supaya ngga masak such as katering kek or pembantu ajah yang masak or beli kek..pokoknya apa ajah selain masak sendiri... selentingan-selentingan kadang nyokap or tante or syapalah nanya "kok ngga bs masak? nanti suami maw dikasih makan apaa?" dan sontak g jawab " gampang nanti kalo udah kawin baru blajar masaaak...gampaaaaaang?" (dalem hati udah sebel ajah rasanya, dan mikir dengan apatisnya ...NGGA DE YAAAH ..g ngga bakalan maw masak, ngapain toh masak kan kaya emak emak ajah, jaman dulu ok lah cewe blajar masak...lha hari giniiii?? ngga de yaaah...not in a million years g akan masak...haram hukumnya deh bwat g *sambil misuh misuh)...

jeng jeeeeng....

1O years later....the story began....
happilly married with a lovely husband called oki and a very annoying doggy called Reno...

2 taun pertama g ogah banget masak, akhirnya suami g yang pengertian (sometime..:-p) memutuskan kalo kita katering ajah. Dari yang enak sampe aneh rasanya udah kita cobain :-p penyakitnya katering tuh selalu sama....pertama-tama pasti enaaak lama lama..ada lauknya lah yang ktinggalan (huh?!), ada yang ngga dateng-dateng lah sampe siaang..(perasaan g ma suami udah kayak lemes ajah maw mate kelaperan...) pas ditelepon dia bilang ujan jadi macet (yang setelah dicek keabsahannya ternyata nol besar, bo'ong secara langit panas bener, kayaknya kalo taro telor juga langsung mateng kali saking panasnya ;-p), terus ada harganya lah yang naiklah (ok lah masi ngga papa, secara masi terjangkau sama kita)...tapi lucunya malah yang jadi masalaaah tuh karna harga nya justru ngga naek naek tapi lauknya jadi super aneh..akhirnya g tanya ajah sama ibu kateringnya, kali ini namanya "katering AY* " di daerah BSD. G bilang ajah, tante ngga papa kok harganya dinaekin, kita tetep bayar tapi tolong lauknya dibenerin yah tante ... and end up..yaollooooh harga naek tapi lauknya sama percis...sayur asem ataw lodeh plus ikan kembung goreng yang nongol nya sering banget...cape deeeh...akhirnya g setop ajah tuh katering...males debat kusir deh g rasanya..(g ngebatin ajah , tante, tante..kalo ituh doang saya ngga usah katering, mendingan saya bikin or goreng sendiri atuuh...greget g jdnya..)

Akhirnya g yang kalang kabut ngga bs masaak, coba de usaha bela beli resep lah, cari di google lah...prinsip g tuh ngga ada yang susah selama kita maw belajar..emang i'm not a fan of cooking..but i have to run this lil family rite?!...dan g paling ngga suka tergantung sama orang yang ngga appreciate kita kayak si katering ituh..mentang-mentang g ngga bs masak seenaknya deh dia, since dia pikir g juga udah langganan lama dia, ngga bakalan lah setop..(you don't know me darliiing!!! the challenge is onnnnn...*mata berapi-api sambil acung-acungin codet) akhirnyaaaa dikit dikit lama lama bisa juga siy, perjuangan tiada akhir (ciee..hiperbola ini mah...hahaha..kagak sesusah itu kok) dan yah akhirnya masak juga deeeh...suami siy bilang masakan g enak (kalo bilang ngga enak bs g jedug jedugin nanti di kompor, jadi pasrahlah dia bilang enaaak..hihihi..but still i love youuu darl for supporting me on this, you're the best :-)) 

Jadi lah ternyata apa yang g dulu pikir ngga bangeed, ternyata malah g happy ngelakuinnya, karna g bs nyediain someting to eat for my husband and something to brag about to everyone  who think that i'm not good enough because i can't it s*ckeerrrs!! (lho?!..maap kebawa emosi, gara-gara kesel kalo inget tatapan orang yang nge-judge saat denger g ngga bs masaak...emang knapa gtu lho itu kan have to honor my choice dong yah..since this is our life and even my husband didn't mind with that..soooo get their own life, daripada mreka pada musingin hidup g :-) 

so me and cooking are walking in the same way right now....
the happiest: hubby and doggy 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the long awaited trip...

emang dasarnya malassss nulissss..yah jadinya malaaass...tapi sempet kepikiran juga siy kalo ngga ditulis lifetime journeynya nyesel ngga yaaah..let's say misalnya 10 taun lagi...ataw 20 taun lagi (halaah...udah jd nene :-p) taunya udah banyak yang kelewatan tanpa ke-record ...takut nyesel!! ituh yang pertama muncul di kepala g :-p

akhirnya g memutuskan untuk menuliiis tentang trip kmaren...yeayy g mengalahkan malaaasss..haha...btw trip kemaren k singapore kayak lompat dari 1 mall ke mall yang lain, secara kerjaan hubby conecting sama tensile membrane jadi abis deh ngabisin waktunya bwat 'takjub' (*ndeso bener) looking at the big structure of tensile membranes there....banyak banget yang bs diliat :-) ...mungkin orang-orang lain pasti ksana bukan kayak kita, cuma liat liat something that cannot be bought like's our pleasure indeed! emang bukan belanja ataw jalan jalan ke Universal Studio yang kesohor ituuh tuuh.. tapi kita malah ngabisin waktu bwat amazed ngeliatin tensile membrane di esplanade, bukan bugis junction ...or sentosa resort...bukan Universal Studio nya or vivo city...(bagian belakangnya yang ada tendanya...hihihihi...kayaknya semuanya bener bener tenda ajah gtuu)...malah kita pilih untuk stayed di Park Hotel Clarke Quay..karena amazed sama tendanya yang kayak jamur itu di Clarke Quay...hahaha...capee deyyy..

Overall kita puas banget sama pelayanan di Park Hotel Clarke Quay, untuk harga $S175/nite (yang menurut kita benernya agak expensivooo...) tapi ternyata memuaskaaan banget :-) selain breakfast buffetnya yang bikin ngilleeerrr...hotel ini juga provide free bus bwat ke spot-spot penting gituuu...terbantuuu banget karna iniii ( kalo dipakeee maksudnya...;-(  kalo ada fasilitas tapi ngga dipake yah ngga guna kan...) sayangnya my-i-know-it-all hubby ngga mau pake fasilitas ini, dia prefer jalaaan booow..hiks... yang ada selaen kaki sukses pada gempor, muka juga mulai tumbuh spruten (it's in my genes) ...huhuhu..dan licikkkknyaaaaa...he's so slyyy...tiap g udah mule ngoceh ngoceh langsung dibeliin ice coffee biar diem kali yah..and it's always work for me everytime *mood g berubah tanpa persetujuan g, nyesel kalo inget ituuh alhasil black spots di muka gua beranak pinaak gara-gara kena UV...

ya begitulaaah...hmmmppfftt..*males ngomongin lagi jadinya


berangkat jam 3 pagi ke soetta, biar murah kita pake travel..kalo naik taxi rugi bandar abisnya..cost us only IDR 75.000...kalo taxi kan bs sampe 125rban gtu kalo ngga salaah :-) nyampe disoetta jam stengah 6an terus cuma nunggu skiter 30 menitan baru kita brangkat, naik as usualll..we're a fan of the cheapest things every way..hehehe...LION AIIIRRR..apa lagiiiiii..

Dan teuteup always make a scene , itulaaah...sampe sana tas g ketuker ajah lho sama tas oraang...untung di Singapore, masi keburu balik..padahal udah siap-siap bwat dikirim balik ke indo...g udah deg-degan ajaaah, antara musti sedih ataw seneng gara-gara keilangan tas (mana tas pinjeman dari bokap lagi..maap yah papi :'( ) ataw beli baju ..odol, undies, skin care, motor (ya negitulaah intinya g  bingung musti sedih apa seneng *tepok jidat)

malem, cari makan di verve pizzeria +ngopi...enaaak suasananya...multiculturals banget :-)

Sentosa Resort Island

Oki: can we go to the island with the cable car?
Cable Car Officer: Yes, of course you can go there with cables car...only for $S52 for 2 persons.
Oki: ow..we cannot go there if we're not buying the cable car packages, (nengok ke g dengan tatapan melas terus bilang: sayaang, kita ngga bisa naik ini kalo ngga ikut paket, paketnya mahal $S 200 an  (*sambil nunjuk-nunjuk flyer harga paket cable car)
G: sir, we can go to the island by cable car without buying a package right?
CCO: yes, of course you can go there with cables car...only for $S52 for 2 persons. (repeating)
Oki: No, we can't go there without buying a package (lho kok dia yang maksa yah, yang jualan tiket sapa tooh?? hihihi....)
G: we'll take two tickets, (*nengok ke suami) bayar pih...
Oki: bengong sambil misuh-misuh bete since rencananya gagal bwat batal naik cable cars jadi musti bayar mahal bwat nyebrang doang :-D

pembelaan diri g: ini once in a lifetime experience, ngga papa laah time kan ngga usah naik lagi saaayaang :-) (*puppy dog eyes)

Dan beneerrr..g ngga pernah nyesel naik cable carnya, selain bagus dibikin see-through gituuu, dan g liat expresi oki yang ngga bakal terlupakan, he's got panic-attack..and i looove him more because of this...this is so worth with the cash we've spent before...i knew something that i didn't know about him (tho we've been together for almost 7 years )...this is priceless.. 


orchard ..
o iyaaah g lupa tulis kalo kita tuh setiap hari pasti mampir bentar ke orchard...from day 1 to day 4 ...the reason is: the $S 1 uncle's ice cream...(we prefer King for the ice cream) and as always i get the cappucinno one and my hubz try every different flavors in every each day we've spend there :-) ...this is the cheapest way to spend money and we love it so much... sambil duduk duduk kecapekan dan nungguin oki ngerokok :-)

marina bay sands, the shoppes at marina bay sands 
dari hotel as usual naik MRT kemana mana, pagi ini langsung k marina bay sands and as the time we've arrived turn out the MRT station was being renovated, jadi agak berantakan..banyak puing puing bangunan gitu ( tapi ternyata berantakannya singapore jauh lebih teratur dibanding berantakannya indo *nyengir) dan suami tercintaaah ngotooot jalan kaki ke marina bay the mean time g udah males gitu, secara panasssss bangeet, g ngga maw black spots di muka g beranak pinak (*mahal tauk pi ngobatinnya dan not in a million years i'm doing laser or hurts) jadilaah kita jalan sambil mulut g ngedumeeel, g maw naik bis suami g bilang "sayaang tuh udah dekeet, kliataan tuuuh bentar lagi nyampe kook" (*sambil nunjuk-nunjuk marina bay sands yang kliatan kecil), yaah akhirnya sampe sana langsung g dipesenin ice cappucinno large di coffee spot..yang saat ituuuh berasanya enaaak bangeeet...(*slurppp..slurrpp)

Disini konsepnya baguus banget, diantara butik-butik high-end, design-nya keren banget, di lorong-lorong mallnya ada sungaaaii indoor, kayak di venecia ajaah rasanya..benernya g pengen naik tapi maluk secara yang ngantri anak kecil semua (*pilin-pilin rambut)


ini spertinya gedung lama yang di-retouch lagi..jadinya kereen bangeet...disini g puas-puasin duduk, makan di makan sutra glutton's bay...kita pesen nasi lemak dan carrot cake---> ternyata g ngga suka tastenya, agak mirip kwetiauw gtu siy dikasihnya...bener ngga siy ini carrot cake, jangan jangan g diboongin sama orang singapore lagi :'(  dari sini kita jalan ke merlion park,  dan...ternyata udah ngga ada merlionnya..kata mpok-mpok yang suka bersihin toilet di esplanade "no money no talk, so they'll remove the merlion" (*hah) g ngga jelas juga ini maksudnya dipindahin ataw cuma dimasukin didalem hotel merlion yang masi dalam rekonstruksi..*g juga bingung,

kita jalan pelan pelan ajaah bentar bentar berenti bwat duduk (*i don't like to walk..i loove sittiiing so much :-)) akhirnya sampe stasiun MRT terdekat, one fullerton square...dari situ langsung balik ke hotel (kita pengen balik k hotel terus secara hotelnya nyaman bangettt...).dan tepaaaaarrrr pas balik ke hotel :-p


Lucky Plaza beli gantungan kunci, asbak dll bwat oleh-oleeh terus langsung ciao ke Changiiiii as usual we love killiney, we ate there then shopping around for a while (chocolate and wine jauh lebih murah disini, MAC juga..jadi bwat yang suka blanja mendingan blanjanya di changi ajaah..), karena seharian muter-muter, ngga berasa juga kalo kaki sakiiit...untung nemu mesin pijet, benernya g agak gross juga siy, ada smelly smelly smell gituuh, tapi merem mata lah, g udah ngga tahan banget ..rasanya kaki pengen g copot ajah terus g masukin ke tas apalagi g liat anak disebelah g dipijet dengan asiiknya sambil maen PSP :-) .....after that we're back to Jakartah!!! :-D

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

it's all bout the money...and it sucks!

marriage is a very complicated thing. i can only say that love is the only thing that keep our sanity in marriage, since when you were married to anyone, anything that happened, happened because of the money issues. And sometime it only happened around 20's (haha..since we have to pay the bills on 20's :-p )
bills..bills..bills....there will be lots of them when we're married :-)

maybe for some people, the bills are not the problem (the people that born filthy rich or the people that marrying someone that have a filthy rich family..haha :-) )

as long as we have to live so we have to do our best to earn money..

me and hubz married for approximately 2,5 years, and we already live by ourselves (and we looove that :-)). That's why we have to pay our bills right away..(off course we have to...!! :-))
so we have to really paid attention with our income and expenses, we've should balance those two things :-)

we just have our money conversation now...and it's really killing my nerves out...i really hate numbers and counting them, that's why i don't do the counting's his job..thanks god my hubz got his gift over counting numbers...but to be truth is, i hate this routine discussion over money :-(
i want to skip it...hope i can sleep right now and waking up in the morning so i don't have to do the money discussion thing...hiks..

he's working as an architec that build a tensile tent for our living since he doesn't want me to work at the office. i'm used to be a legal consultant but right now i owned my own business, and i'm happy for it (due to the long working hours, traffic jam that really wasting time, our meaningless fight because those two things mentioned before :-D and stressful work condition (this is the last, since i love the challenge working my intellectual property case)...haha, of course it will be like that, it's a law firm, what do you expect? :-)

with our job, we've managed to maintain our daily expenses and life, but sometime...hmm...corrected...everytime.... money can be a problem everyone else that have to pay their bills :-) if there's a problem then we will talk about it for hours, and for's looks like i cannot buy anymore shoes----- or bags----- or clothes :-(
hmmm...maybe clothes still can...:-) (*naughty grinning) as long as it doesn't cost much...i looove shoes, bags and dress...but above it all, i will say that i loove dress so will be a long dry month fr my shopping habit :-(

but i think it's okay for me to do that since we'll go to singapore this march, so yesss..we have to save our money well...

or we don't have any money left for orchard's shopping trip...haha...

okay desiiii, you really have to watch your purse up!! or you'll be definately starving in singapore :-D

Monday, January 17, 2011

a blast from the past...

cute story...we've met when we're 16 or 17  maybe, in laurensia :-)
the one that bring us together maybe our similar interest to wall magazine, that made us the representative  for representating our class at that moment :-)

with that same interest, we started to know each other and hanging around too.....and the bonding still strong until now :-)

eventhough one of them is not in jakarta at this moment, but we're still keeping our hearts close (*hayaaaaah..)

i'm closer with nique, but don't get me wrong here, it doesn't mean that i'm not close with Jill...(*we're close in our kind of way too..haha)

we still do our girls' day out annually, every 2 years...since Nique only come from Germany every 2 years so we held our coffee-ing time at that schedule  :-)

can't hardly wait for the next girls' day out in 2012...*sighhh...(miss them already :-))

Sunday, January 16, 2011

me likey...

looove these heels (*pengen cepet cepet akhir bulan)
shud buy this one, either at singapore or indonesia :-)

Must-Go Places at Singapore!

---Orchard (pastinyaaa!! *sambil bikin list blanjaan)
---Lau Pa Sat (hawker foodnya ngga nahan :-))
---Clarke Quay (especially boat quaynya, kalo ngga salah S$15 pake boat bolak balik 30 minutes)
---Singapore Flyer (romantically chalenging :-))
---Marina Bay Sands (casino?!)
---Vivo City
---Sentosa Island
---marina square
---makan sutra glutton's bay
---raffles hotel
---bugis (not too excited bout this one, but it's alright for sightseing i assume :-p)

*thinking what else to write